
  • Assistance with choosing the best legal structure (LLC, S-Corp, etc.) for liability protection and tax benefits.

  • Get a professional business address, phone number, and virtual office setup to enhance your company’s credibility.

  • EIN & DUNS Number Registration

  • Professional Email Setup

  • Assistance in opening a dedicated business bank account, separating personal and business finances.

  • Create a unique brand identity with custom logo design and brand guidelines for consistent marketing.

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Starting my business felt overwhelming until I found Moore Legacy Consultants. They handled everything—EIN setup, virtual address, and even credit-building support. I was able to focus on my vision while they took care of the rest.

Sarah K., Founder, New Wave Fitness


Starting a business can be overwhelming, but Moore Legacy Consultants broke it down into simple, actionable steps. They took care of all the legal and financial details, making sure my business was structured for credibility. I’m now fully set up and ready to approach lenders and clients with confidence.

Rachel S., Online Boutique Owner